Wednesday 4 March 2015

How Real Time Analytics Can Transform a Brand

The last few years have transformed the way organizations utilize data. Today, the volume, variety and velocity of data is taking the business world by storm. Organizations that are able to understand and act on the data – based on analytics, but with the relationship at the forefront – will emerge as winners.
Social media, cloud and mobile have added a layer of urgency to the big data wave. As the velocity of information increases, there’s a need to process the data, analyze it for use cases that matter to a business and to make strategic decisions based on those insights. However, gathering real-time data from various structured and unstructured sources and analyzing it is not easy, especially while keeping it human at the same time.

Smarter organizations understand this and invest in people, process and technology that enable them to use real-time analytics for strategic and operational benefits, while always keeping relationship enhancement at the forefront. Real-time analytics is not just for smarter marketing, but also for cutting inefficiency from operations, improving customer service and for watching trends that can impact the bottom line.

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